Is there anything less pleasant than walking into arestaurant to find things less than clean? After all, if the dining furniture is dirty, how does the kitchen look? If you have already invested all that time, money and energy to get your restaurant to look good, make sure you take the time to keep it … Continue Reading »
Month: August 2014
Restaurant Furnishings and Planning Are Required for Curbside Service
You can’t always get your guests in the door when you want to feed them. Some prefer to pick up food and go home. Curbside service is the ideal way to get the food to the guest quickly and requires a minimum of restaurant furnishings and a bit of good planning. Plan For Easy Pickup … Continue Reading »
Commercial Restaurant Equipment You Need in Your Kitchen
No matter what type of restaurant you own, you will need some basic pieces of commercial restaurant equipment to succeed. However, if you are starting your first venture, you might not know what to purchase. Not to worry, we’ll give you a basic list and you can turn to your restaurant supplier for specific ideas … Continue Reading »
It Takes More than Just Bar Tables
If you want to set up a bar in your restaurant, you better be prepared to do more than just set up a few bar tables and call it good. A bar takes a lot of work, space and planning. Here are several important steps to take, and issues to address, before you serve your … Continue Reading »
Email Is Another Type of Equipment for Restaurant Owners
When you think of equipment for restaurants, you usually think of tables, chairs and banquets. There are lots of other things a restaurant needs to operate. One of the most important tools you have as a restaurateur is social media, and email should be a huge part of your social campaign. If you haven’t started … Continue Reading »
Conditioning the Vinyl in Your Restaurant Booths
Restaurant booths are one of the best ways to maximize your space in the dining room. The only catch is that they are upholstered in vinyl, and vinyl needs some special care. Mind you, the task isn’t particularly difficult, but doing it right will help you keep your furniture for years. What Is Vinyl? Vinyl … Continue Reading »
Ready for Grilling Season? Your Outdoor Restaurant Furniture Should Be
Summer spells grilling for lots of people, and the smart restaurateur is prepared to take advantage of the trend. The grilling season goes right through into the fall, and if the weather is good in your neck of the woods, even further. How do you set up for such fun? Well, get the right outdoor … Continue Reading »
Change Your Concept, Change Your Restaurant Dining Sets Too
There comes a time in every restaurateur’s life when they look around their establishment and think “it’s time to make some changes around here.” If that time has come for you, then one easy way to make such a change is to change your restaurant dining sets and décor. Managing that change while still up … Continue Reading »
The Perfect Café Tables from Start to Finish
You’ve decided that what you want is to run a café, rather than any other type of restaurant. A café has a certain type of panache. It isn’t just a coffee house, goodness knows there are enough of those; no, a café is more stylish, and it generally serves some wonderful food. Start out by … Continue Reading »
Go With Vintage Restaurant Furniture Booths for Real Style
Vintage is in. If you doubt that, you haven’t been lookingaround in the industry. Not only has there been a trend to move back to drinks and foods from the 50s and 60s, restaurateurs are embracing the look of that era. One of the easiest ways to do that is to invest in vintage-look restaurant … Continue Reading »